Let me introduce myself...

I live in Ontario, Canada with my wonderful family and German Shepherd, Charlie. Although I've lived most of my life in Canada, I'm very proud of my Polish heritage and speak the language fluently. When I was three, my mother and I left then-communist Poland for Italy in search of a better life, and eventually settled in Canada a few years later. As a young girl, I developed a love for reading, writing, and stories.

As I was always fascinated with human behaviour, I pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and criminology at the University of Toronto and went on to complete a Masters in criminology. I worked for a criminal justice non-profit and later went on to become a decision writer for a medical board, where I wrote over a thousand administrative law decisions pertaining to complaints and investigations. I currently work as a regulatory advisor, reviewing investigations into violations of federal statutes, and also provide editorial and other related services (as outlined on the Services page).

On the creative side, I love complex, epic stories that explore the grit and depth of human emotion. A good old-fashioned battle between good and evil will always make my reading or streaming list, which is probably why I can watch Lord of the Rings on repeat. I love the magical and the inspirational, and am always blown away by the incredible creativity of the human imagination and the ability of creators to stretch the limits of what's possible. In my own writing, I focus on fantasy, speculative, and metaphysical fiction, thrillers, magical realism, literary fiction, children's picture books, and non-fiction with a focus on societal issues and well-being. I'm captivated by the mysteries of the universe, the untapped potential of the human mind, and ancient and untold history.

I don't like putting myself in a box - I have many varied interests, and this applies to music, literature, and activities generally. I love to be outdoors and try to stay active as much as possible. My brain is always firing, and I don't remember the last time I took a nap in the middle of the day. But that's exactly how I like it - moving forward and keeping busy! I appreciate all four of nature's amazing seasons, which take me from being on the water to walking my dog after a fresh snowfall. When I'm not writing I enjoy being outdoors, gardening, DIY projects, and a variety of sports. I also appreciate beautiful (especially historic) architecture and have a passion for real estate.

We are all gifted an incredible mind with the potential to accomplish great things. For this reason, I try to take every opportunity to learn, travel, and embark on new adventures, and am a strong believer in the law of attraction and the power of positive energy and thought. I'm blessed to have an incredible and supportive family who inspire me every day, and my awesome dog Charlie, who is always by my side (and very well compensated with treats and cuddles for all his photo shoots). Most importantly, I'm grateful to God who has given me so many blessings and this beautiful planet.

My Blog

I'll let you in on some trade secrets and share my top tips on how to successfully write, edit and publish your book.

teal and black typewriter machine
teal and black typewriter machine